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Publications Genoscope

Tuning of the enzyme ratio in a neutral redox convergent cascade: A key approach for an efficient one-pot/two-step biocatalytic whole-cell system

Publié le 13 juin 2023
Tuning of the enzyme ratio in a neutral redox convergent cascade: A key approach for an efficient one-pot/two-step biocatalytic whole-cell system
Date de publication 
Menil S, Petit JL, Courvoisier-Dezord E, Debard A, Pellouin V, Reignier T, Sergent M, Deyris V, Duquesne K, de Berardinis V and Alphand V
Année2 019
Département / Service
Jacob/Genoscope, UMR8030
Date de création 
Impact Factor 
url DOI10.1002/bit.27133

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